Paula Gaetano Adi / Argentina-USA
Paula Gaetano Adi is Associate Professor of Experimental & Foundation Studies at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). She is an artist and scholar working in performance, sculpture, and robotic agents with a practice that draws from studies of technoscience, postcoloniality, and artificial life.
Praveen Nahar / India
Praveen is a Product Designer, Senior Faculty in Industrial Design, heads Product Design Programme at National Institute of Design (NID) Ahmedabad INDIA. He also chairs International Programmes at NID. IIT Delhi and TU Delft Alumni, Praveen teaches and has research interests in Systems Thinking and its relation to Design Thinking, Design in the Public Domain, Sustainable Design/Green Design, Appropriate Technology.
Felipe Ferrer Cárdenas / Peru
Felipe has worked between Lima and New York where he received a M.S. in Advanced Architecture Design at Columbia University. He then joined Diller Scofidio + Renfro in 2005. He has taught at Columbia University GSAPP (AAD) and been invited as a critic to numerous schools like Parsons School of Design, Columbia University, Barnard College, NYIT and others. He now teaches at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru.
Paolo Cardini / Italy-USA
Paolo Cardini is designer, educator and researcher. He is Associate Professor in Industrial Design at Rhode Island School of Design and his work ranges from product to interaction design with a particular interest in discursive and speculative design. His research mostly focuses on the interaction between artifacts, identities and globalization.
Milvia Perez / Cuba
Designer and educator, Milvia got her master from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where he received the University Merit Medal "Gabino Barreda”. Milvia is chair of the Industrial design department at ISDi and head of the Industrial Design Career National Commission. She has received an Annual Design Award from the National Design Office in Cuba and her present research focus on design and neuroscience.
Sohail Inayatullah / Pakistan-Australia
Professor Sohail Inayatullah /sə'heɪl ɪnaɪʌ'tʊla/, a political scientist, is Professor at Tamkang University, Taipei (Graduate Institute of Futures Studies); Associate, Mt. Eliza Executive Education, Melbourne Business School, and Adjunct Professor at the University of the Sunshine Coast (Faculty of Social Sciences and the Arts). In 2015, Professor Inayatullah was awarded the first UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies. In 2010, he was awarded the Laurel award for all-time best futurist by the Shaping Tomorrow Foresight Network.
Saeid Aliari / Iran
‘Saeid Aliari’ is faculty member of the ‘Industrial design department’ at the ‘Art University of Isfahan’. He believes that design makes the future. On the other hand, culture is an integral part of design, so design should have originality. From his view precise understanding of culture, thinking critically and creativity are the key features that can be effective to make the future.
Dawit Benti / Ethiopia
Dawit Benti is a practicing professional architect, a lecturer and the chair of Architecture and Building Science at EiABC. With more than 20 years of extensive national and international teaching experience, he is also manager at ProSpace Design Build Plc and has built numerous buildings in Ethiopia. His research interests include sustainable architecture, climatic design in the Ethiopian context and contemporary Ethiopian architecture.
Gwen Farrelly / USA-Ireland
Gwen Farrelly is the Director of RISD Global at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Providence, where she guides, supports and oversees the School's academic internationalization and global engagements through the development of global hub sites, multi-year initiatives, global programs and partnerships, and international relations. Prior to joining RISD, Gwen was the Assistant Director of the International Program department at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, where she oversaw global research initiatives and projects.
Bruce and Stephanie Tharp / USA
Stephanie and Bruce Tharp are professors at the University of Michigan’s Stamps School of Art & Design. With degrees in mechanical engineering, industrial design, and anthropology they bring a concern for the expansion of product design’s boundaries as a cultural practice. Recently they finished a book project, Discursive Design (MIT Press) due out in Fall 2018
Tegan Bristow / South Africa
Tegan is an interactive media artist and Senior Lecturer in Interactive Digital Media at the Digital Arts Division of the University of Witwatersrand. Bristow is co-founder and 2016 – 2018 Director of the Fak’ugesi African Digital Arts Festival. Bristow has an MA from Wits University in Interactive Digital Media and she has recently completed her PhD titled Post African Futures with the Planetary Collegium at Plymouth University in the U. K. Bristow’s research explores technology arts and culture practice in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on decolonising methodologies and actional criticism. As an artist Bristow has exhibited widely. Bristow promotes local technology arts development.