A project by Beatríz Masiel Pie Sedeño, Diego Ernesto García Gzegozewski y Heather Hidalgo - Gato Donato/ Havana, Cuba
“Juan knows that his effort is worth, he knows that time and recognition will be proportionally remunerated. Juan feels he has a purpose.”
The Efficiency Meter
Hoy es 8 de abril, suena el despertador y Juan se levanta para preparar el desayuno de la casa, algo que disfruta hacer cada mañana. Se prepara, se viste y se sienta a la mesa para tomar el café y planificar los días de entretenimiento familiar. El hijo pequeño pide una salida al parque acuático de Varadero, esta semana hay baño gratis con los delfines; su esposa es artista plástica y ha esperado ansiosa la exposición de arte que se efectuará en Londres el próximo viernes… Una vez concluidos los planes se retiran de la mesa.
Juan se dirige en su auto fotovoltaico al Ecocentro de La Habana. Allí trabaja como económico. Apenas llega corrobora el plan de productividad laboral que debe realizar en el mes. Hoy se propone destinar sus horas laborales para cumplir la eficiencia de trabajo que le habría tomado concluir en una semana. En doce horas ha terminado sus actividades del día. Juan sabe que su esfuerzo no ha sido en vano, él reconoce que tiempo y consagración serán proporcionalmente remunerados. Juan se siente útil.
Aprovecha su salida rápida del centro de trabajo y se dirige a comprar boletos con rumbo a Inglaterra, en el camino encuentra una tienda de ropa femenina que lo incita a comprar un hermoso vestido a su esposa. No ve el momento de llegar a casa.
Today is April 8, the alarm goes off and Juan gets up to prepare breakfast for the family, something he enjoys doing every morning. He prepares, dresses and sits at the table to have coffee and plan for the family's activities. The youngest of his sons asks to go to the water park in Varadero, this week there is free bath with the dolphins; his wife is an artist and has waited anxiously for the art exhibition to be held in London next Friday ... Once the planning is done, everyone is taking off.
Juan goes to the Ecocentro de La Habana in his photovoltaic car. There, he works as an economist. As soon as he arrives, he set the labor productivity plan that must be carried out in the month. Today he is willing to work for the total amount of hours that his efficiency plan is asking for the entire week. In twelve hours he has finished his activities. Juan knows that his effort is worth, he knows that time and recognition will be proportionally remunerated. Juan feels he has a purpose.
He takes advantage of his early leave from the office and goes to buy tickets to England, on the way he finds a women clothes store that prompts him to buy a beautiful dress for his wife. He can't wait to get home.